Test Ride #1 Day 2: Carlsbad to San Diego

Light rain on and off all night and on the ride. We’ve been rained on plenty of times, but we kicked ourselves this time because we intentionally did not bring some of our dry bags because the forecast said 0% chance of rain. Lesson learned: be prepared. ? A few electronics and part of our sleeping bags got wet, but should be no long term damage.

We could not find any camp stove fuel for our ultralight stove; we tried three places across the street but they only had large 16 oz. Canisters for Coleman stoves. I know we can get the ones we need at REI, and I’m hoping we can find some when we get to Lisbon as well. 

So no coffee at camp, but we stopped at Leucadia Donuts for a chocolate glazed and a coffee. 

The ride back was tedious. Slow going due to the added weight, wet due to the rain, and boring because it’s a route we have ridden hundreds of times. We are also feeling a bit out of shape; these two days took it out of us! But we know from experience that after a couple days of the new normal of bike touring, it’s all good. Overall, we have returned home re-energized for our tour and committed to keep up our training!

When I got home, I weighed myself and then weighed myself holding my bike fully loaded. The bike and gear came out to 22kg or about 48 lbs. Not too bad, I think…

Test Ride #1 Day 1: San Diego to South Carlsbad State Beach

Left around 10:30 this morning taking familiar roads. The bikes are riding excellently fully loaded. Absolutely no issues at all. Very impressed with the Specialized bags and bikes for touring. Very quick to load and unload gear and rock solid. Bikes handled well with all the weight. It’s nice having a little wiggle room to grow into in my bags, though I hope I don’t get lazy and fill them with stuff I don’t need…

Stopped at Coffee Cycle and chatted with the awesome owner of this custom built espresso bike cart about touring and bike camping. Phenomenal coffee and cappuccino and a fascinating dude. Had a nice lunch at Board & Brew in Del Mar.

New ZPacks two-person tent was incredibly simple to setup; it can be staked or setup freestanding. We choose freestanding because of the hard packed dirt ground here. I spent 5 minutes looking for some rings I dropped but otherwise it was up in 5 minutes. It’s very cozy inside; it will take us some getting used to after having our own space. 

Quick takeout dinner at Pollo Loco across the street while watching the sunset over the Pacific. Gorgeous day. Hoping to see the lunar eclipse tonight around 10:30pm!