Make American Fat Again

Taking a page out of President Trump’s play book, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (aka The Viktator) announces a new policy targetting American tourists, Make America Fat Again.

With increasing levels of obesity in relation to the North American nation, whose citizens have been holding hunger strikes in reaction to their tense political situation, Hungary’s leader has chosen to unleash this devious plan targetting American tourists.

But not everyone is on board with this plan. Cyclists Tim Norman and Steve Carnes aim to challenge the dictator’s edict by riding their bicycles ridiculous distances from Budapest all the way to Paris even while succumbing to the administration’s culinary demands and eating everything required, in an effort to offset the caloric content of the meat-heavy diet. The following photos show some of the horrific dishes that will inflict pain on many Americans visiting the Central European country in the foreseeable future.

Catfish stew with baked curd cheese noodles rolled in bacon…

The not-at-all discriminatory “Jewish egg”, along with some goose skin cracklings, hummus, cottage cheese with paprika, sausage, and some decorative vegetables (you don’t eat those).

Pounds and pounds of smoked stringy cheese.

Farmers market platter, with cheese, sausage, cheese croissant, cheese pastry, bread, truffle horse radish, champagne, and fresh berries (just for color).

Burgers made with a traditional flat bread.

Spicy paprika cottage cheese.

Classic langos.

Pulled pork leves (stew) in a bread bowl.

Pickled vegetables, mainly decorative.

Egg, bacon, and Hungarian cheese sandwich.

Dobos cake, vanilla biscuit, chocolate cream, caramel crisp on top.

Artisan cocktails at Pharma Bar.

Some recipes for you (disclaimer: may contain Hungarian propoganda designed to make you fat):

Here is the subliminal message being used in the fattening campaign.

Tim & Steve, along with the local Speed-Way bicycle shop team, and their new Specialized Sequoia touring bikes, ready to bicycle-tour for freedom (and to burn calories!).

At a “ruin bar”, a bar complex that sprung up amidst ruined abandoned buildings.


Weapons of war.

Graffiti unlimited.

Ruin bar self portrait #1.

Ruin bar self portrait #2.


St. Stephen Basilica (Steve’s namesake).

St. Stephen Basilica

St. Stephen Basilica

St. Stephen Basilica

The Parliament Building.

The car driven by Marijuana Man (no kidding!). Well, at least a dude with a huge cannabis leaf tee shirt.

Join the protest against Make America Fat Again by signing up for our blog at Stay tuned for more top quality investigative journalism, and thanks for your support!

3 Replies to “Make American Fat Again”

  1. I poise anxiously awaiting your next informative missive. Do your best to rise above the temptations. I love your journey, your blog. Thank you

  2. Love the photos and blog. Connects us. Food is out of this world. Calories galore. Bicycle more and more-/burn those calories.

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