Calories in > calories out

Thai food continues to astound me. Especially the street food. We have been enjoying the most amazing food we’ve ever eaten, and it’s everywhere! At each city we stop in, we head for the daily market or night market and find the most amazing things, each one for 50c-$1 or so. We can’t help but stuff ourselves every day! We need to start riding around in circles or else we will gain 20 lbs, damn!

Grilled lobster and seafood in Hua Hin.

Amphawa floating market – there are many boats like this with fresh seafood cooking up all sorts of Thai dishes with huge prawns, squid, crabs, and other seafood.

Another boat kitchen.

We had lunch here.

Amazingly fresh!

Some of the biggest and tastiest prawns I’ve ever had. (Though I still dream of the prawns of Denia, Spain, by far THE best prawns I’ve ever tasted, sorry Thailand…)

Amazing pork noodle soup for 20฿.

Grilled scallops.

Floating market in full swing.

Dried fish and other snacks for sale at the floating market.

Egg custard pies, very similar (but not quite as good) as the famous pastel de nada of Portugal.

Some of the engines on these long tail boats are all decked out… Love the Michelin man on this one!

For dessert, coconut ice cream in a coconut shell with fresh coconut pulp carved out, topped with sweetened mung beans, peanuts, and sticky rice. Yum!

Non-food pictures

Zoom in on that critter towards the bottom of the photo. That is a monitor lizzard! We see them popping up in the rivers here from time to time, swimming around, flicking their tongues, and then ducking back underwater. Creepy! I asked a Thai guy if they bite, and he laughed and said, “no eat”. So I’m still not sure… Either Thais don’t eat the lizzards, or the lizzards don’t eat people. It could be an important distinction.

Really interesting temple we cycled by.

Another cycle tourist we met near Hua Hin on an unexpected enjoyable separated cycle lane paralleling the highway, riding a folding Bromptom bike on a few week tour of Thailand. He’s been all over SE Asia and gave us some good advice for our upcoming route.

Our guest house near the Amphawa floating market is immediately on the canal. Waters are very high right now. Riding in, several of the roads were flooded and we had to make some detours, running across highway medians carrying our bikes, and braving cycling through a few deep puddles in flooded streets due to the washed out roads.

Not really sure what this guy is up to in Hua Hin.

Intricate tiled elephant tusk statue in Phetchaburi.

Will try to post fewer food photos next time lol!