India Photos: Maharashtra

A bunch of photos from the past few days…

Hindu statue.

Water buffalo (?) swimming.

Following the TOD signs.

Fishing boat by fishing village.

Our favorite snack.

Birds along the coast.

One of the road signs we’ve been following, kind of. Still don’t know what they say.

I knew we took a wrong turn somewhere…

MTDC hotel.

Typical coastal village.

Cows enjoy the beach as much as we do!

Everything in this region is built with these clay bricks, dried in the sun. All you have to do is (try to) dig in the ground and you find this clay everywhere.

Fixing my broken nipple beside a trash pile, which are too common here.

Kundeshwar temple along the beach.

A temple on an island. They are everywhere!

Horse drawn buggies on the beach are a thing here.

2 Replies to “India Photos: Maharashtra”

  1. Oh my…The photos are beautiful. I especially like the buggy on the beach at sunset. I hope you don’t mind me sharing it on my FB…it is splendid and so tranquil. Sharing your adventures is wonderful. Thanks again. 🙂

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