India Days 1-4 Photos

Sailing away from Mumbai’s Gateway of India.

Arriving at Mandwa just before we began cycling.

The patio of our first hotel.

The staff posed for selfies with us.

Veg thali by the amazing chef at our hotel in Kelshi.

Door and window in Kelshi.


People working in the fields.

The beaches in this region are almost untouched.

Fishing boats in a natural harbor.

Palm grove behind our hotel in Kelshi.

Not sure what this is, cool building.

We’ve seen lots of cows but this is the first with jewelry.

Ferry map of the Maharashtra coast. Lots of ferries, not a lot of bridges.

Another cool old building.

4 Replies to “India Days 1-4 Photos”

  1. I’m really enjoying following your adventures. I love the detailed descriptions and photos. You are putting forth a lot of effort for your followers benefit.
    I hope you don’t mind me asking questions every once in awhile. When you started in Lisbon, did you look for dedicated bike routes, or well-known bicycle routes with little traffic? Or did you just hit the road in the direction you wanted to go. I noticed that you followed the coast. Wondering why?
    Thanks again.

    1. As I said in reply to your YouTube comment, we followed the coast in Portugal because of the weather. In March, it was too cold for us with our warm-weather gear to go too far inland. As for route, Strava heatmaps is great for seeing where other cyclists ride, and has good blogs with route suggestions. I sometimes do a lot of reading and research and other times we just set out on the road and find a camp spot or hotel when we get tired.

  2. If you will please. The Schengen visa is good for 90 days out of every 6 month period. So, did you ride through the Schengen visa countries for 90 days, then ride though the non-Schengen visa countries for the rest of the 6 months before renewing? I’m a little confused. Thank you!

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