
Here are the anti-mosquitoe products that have been recommended. We are going to use all of them since you can’t be too safe. Because of the intense monsoon season this year, there is still standing water in parts of the city. The malaria risk is relatively low but there are other mosquito-born illnesses like chikungunya and dengue fever.

The top left are citronello stickers that you can put on clothing. We will try these when we are cycling since our sweat might wash off any repellant we use.

The Good Knight plugin is for hotels that don’t already have repellant. It releases a repellant into the air of your room to keep the bugs away, like burning a citronella candle.

The cream is a DEET cream that’s supposed to feel better on your skin than sprays. (We have spray also.)

Not looking forward to having toxic chemicals on our skin and in the air but I think it’s better than the alternative…

2 Replies to “Mosquitoes”

  1. You could come back here to the spraying of bleach to try to deal with the hepatitis epidemic. BTW my mother used to scare me with those illnesses which I thought she was making up.

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