A picnic, planning, projects, pintxos, and playtime

For a day with nothing planned, we sure did a lot…

Started with making breakfast (jamón, fried egg, and cheese on a croissant) and doing some laundry, and then we packed a picnic lunch while we dried our clothes in the sun and headed to the beach to enjoy the sun and our food. Half the people on the beach were naked, but it was way too cold for me (15°C!) to strip down today.

I spent a lot of time working on our plan for the next week, and I’ve got all of our riding and lodging planned until May 1, including our flight to Paris in a week and a half (the high speed train, the TGV, was twice the price of a flight!). For the next 10 days, we have 2 nights camping in people’s yards (Gamping.com), 1 WarmShowers, 2 nights at public campgrounds, 1 AirBNB, 1 hotel (free with points) in Paris, and 3 nights staying with friends near Marseilles.

We are both looking forward to the cycling-friendly town of Girona, where a lot of pro cyclists are known to live during their training season. I’m also looking forward to being in France, for the cheese, crepes, croissants, traditional French food, and the fact that I can understand the language! 

You can get anything made out of nougat here, and I picked up some nougat energy bars (aka candy) today as well as some nougat ice cream for dessert.

For dinner we did a tapas/pintxos crawl and filled ourselves with these amazing bites that are placed en masse on the bar in dozens of varieties; you just take whatever you want, and when you get the bill, the bartender counts up the number of sticks and charges you accordingly, €1,60 each in this case. The photos below don’t begin to do their deliciousness justice!

The ones above were garlic grilled cuttlefish, a delicious tapas.

Hasta mañana!

2 Replies to “A picnic, planning, projects, pintxos, and playtime”

  1. Hi Tim & Steve!! Love, love, love the blog!! Can’t believe how much territory you’ve covered! So inspiring! Lots like a blast!! Love you both!!! Lisa xoxoxo

  2. The food looks yummy and the beach photo is gorgeous. Glad there weren’t any naked peepe in the photo. LOL. Take care guys. Love you bunches.

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