
Last night, we walked down to the Malvarossa area of Valencia to observe the Holy Thursday processions. The garments worn remind some Americans of the KKK, but they are not at all related. The rhythmic beating of the drums and quiet marching down the streets made for quite a sight.

We also got our hairs cut…

Today, we explored Valencia, mostly the Old Town area, but also some parks nearby. Of course, we saw the bull ring, train station with its stunning tilework, and had a horchata and fartons (which we inhaled before I took the photo).

I enjoyed some of the graffiti art in the area; some of it is quite elaborate.

It’s nice to take some time off the bikes, which are resting next to a wonderful city view for the day. I may have also found my next touring bike, what do you think?

For lunch, I found a pretty good arroz abanda (traditional seafood rice), and Steve had arroz al forno (oven baked rice with pork and sausage). Made some simple sandwiches and Valencia oranges for dinner, and probably off to bed early. We need to catch up on sleep!

I forgot my sunscreen today, so I got a little too much red in the face. As we were walking home, a Spaniard took one look at me and exclaimed, “Ole!” Okay, that’s enough embarrassment; I promise to keep re-applying all day from now on.

3 Replies to “Olé!”

  1. love knowing what you’re up to, what you’re eating, seeing.
    sending you love and hugs

  2. Did Steve forget sunscreen also? I hate to think what his face looked like..

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