Pepe de los jamónes

It was a short essay day of riding, but we got a lot accomplished!

I found a Decathlon athletic store (like REI) just 1km off our route, and they had a decent-looking solar charger on clearance for €37, so I picked that up as well as some camp stove fuel, finally have found that! And Steve had some McD’s. You can take the boy out of the USA, but you can’t take the USA out of the boy lol!

Made it to Murcia and met our WarmShowers host, a bicycle mechanic who runs a shop in Murcia, who was very generous with his time as today is the start of the bicycle touring ride he is involved with. He sourced two new chains for our bikes, which were ready for replacement and installed them.

We showered at his place, had a delicious lunch at his favorite restaurant nearby (a fusion of Vietnamese and Spanish food, a bánh mi bocadillo, picked up some soap, shipped my broken solar panel back home for repair, and had time for a coffee from Pepe de los jamónes.

I spent an hour sewing a clasp onto my new solar panel to attach it to my backpack (I put it on upside down, but it still works lol), and then we headed out to the bicycle touring party, where we setup our sleeping mat and bag in an auditorium with all the other participants. Will be fun riding and meeting up with the other tourists and attending the party tonight!!