We’re riding too much

After this morning learning that our train was a bus and that bikes are not allowed on buses, we had to ride 120km from Antequera to Granada. We’d hoped to fast forward a bit today due to being exhausted from all the climbing over the past few days. We were not mentally up for the ride, so we were a bit grumpy, but we trudged on and made it to Granada. Given our tiredness, we decided to have two rest days here instead of just the one we’ve been planning. We also decided to try to average out to 80km/day instead of 100km for the near future. This might put us behind schedule a bit and put some pressure on our visa limits, but we should be fine and can take a train if needed.

We learned that they are in process of building a high speed rail between Antequera and Granada, hence the railway closure. Seems odd they don’t have a solution for bikes though, given the excellent bike friendliness of the MD trains in Spain so far.

We ride through lots of olive farms with occasional glimpses of the snow-capped peaks near Granada.

Near Granada, we rode through fields of trees that are farmed for something? Not sure what, but some swaths were recently cleared.

What we’ve seen of Granada’s tapas scene is a bit different from Seville. Most places give a free tapas with each drink, but out of the three places we tried, only one was any good. The town where we had lunch outside of Granada allowed you to pick which free tapas you’d like, and it was much better and way cheaper than in the city. We preferred the à la carte tapas in Seville and will try to find that again here. Any suggestions for a good place?

We have tickets to Alhambra tomorrow, and we’ve got to do some laundry again…

2 Replies to “We’re riding too much”

  1. Whoever said slow down and smell the roses probably was not on a bike…but, please don’t exhaust yourselves, you are in it for the long haul.

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