Raw olives taste kinda funky

In retrospect, I think it was today’s ride we should have been worried about, not yesterday’s. The nonstop steep rolling hills and 30+°C temperatures had us walking up hills at times and taking lots of breaks. I had to walk my bike up the 15+% grades before Steve did, he wanted to make sure I said that if I posted this picture!

But we saw some amazing scenery including Caminito del Rey and lots of beautiful countryside and farmland.

Our campground butts up against The Torcal De Antequera, giving a beautiful backdrop to our campsite. The rest of the campground is not that great, cold showers, grumpy people staring at us, and no toilet seats on the potties. But dinner at the restaurant on site was welcomed and tasty.

Tried a Netherlands take on a Mexican beer. It was pretty strange.

Also tasted a raw olive from the trees near our tent. Kind of taste like sour grapes, won’t make that mistake again. Hope I don’t get sick.

Tomorrow we may ride to Antequera and spend some time there and take the train to Granada so we have more time in both cities to do some sightseeing, skipping another 120km riding through farmland. As we decided at the beginning of our tour, it’s not about cycling every mile (I mean, kilometre); it’s about experiencing the world by bicycle.

Although we’ve been having some amazing experiences, I feel like I haven’t been living in the moment as much as on our last tour. I think part of that is due to having to figure out accommodations on the fly every few days, whereas last time we had them all figured out ahead of time. Constantly going from planning to doing modes has been a bit exhausting mentally. Not sure of the solution, but I’ve been slacking lately and have no idea where we’ll be sleeping after our two nights in Granada…

3 Replies to “Raw olives taste kinda funky”

  1. Beautiful countryside! But, the windmills look so out of place. Thank you for all of the updates & pictures!

  2. The countryside is gorgeous. I hope you don’t over think and enjoy to the fullest.

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