Tocino del cielo

What a difference a day makes for the weather. Still windy, but much warmer and no rain until after we finished riding.

Before leaving Jerez, we sampled some tocino del cielo, a flan-like dessert invented in Jerez 500 years ago. Yum!

Our WarmShowers host gave us a phenomenal route to Cádiz, with plenty of bike lanes, hard-packed gravel roads with no traffic, and scenic waterfronts. We even shared the route with a local mountainbike race at one point. The route took us by salt flats built by the Romans and on paths by the train tracks.

I wish we had more time to enjoy Cádiz, but we have a pre-paid ticket to Morocco Tuesday so we have to get to Tarifa tomorrow. Really enjoying this cute friendly city and had some great fried seafood, beer, and dessert!

One Reply to “Tocino del cielo”

  1. Hope you two are all right. Heard there was a tornado in your area today?? Your weather seems to have been completely different from the weather we are having in the east. If you care to pass along an email address, I’d like to ask some questions about your ride to Cadiz and Morrocco. We have changed our plans and are making a big figure eight through Spain and Portugal ending back in Lisboa. Feeling like we’ve been grinding out miles to make it to Milan instead of enjoying each day. Email: [email protected]. Our blog iis We are loving yours.

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