Living on Nutella and bifanas

Today’s weather was a complete change from yesterday! Chilly and rainy all day. When we saw the forecast, we made the decision to skip camping tonight and put our budget towards the cheapest indoor lodging we could find along the coast, which happened to be in Vila Nova de Milfontes.

This changed our route a little (we were shooting for Porto Covo originally to ride along the coast), but given the weather, we wouldn’t have seen much on the coast anyway.

The hotel also completely blew our budget so breakfast was Nutella and leftover bread (it’s actually great energy food!), and lunch was a €3 bifana. Dinner may be something from a market, or else we’ll have to borrow from tomorrow’s budget.

The ride was great, aside from the weather. Low (or no) traffic country roads and dirt farm roads, gorgeous open farmland, cork farms, olive trees, sheep, goats, cows, horses.

We are very happy with our Patagonia rain jackets; they kept us super dry and warm today! They work equally well either on or off the bike.

Tomorrow calls for 20°C and partly cloudy and the next few days sunny and 24! So we are drying off inside and look forward to enjoying the outdoors again soon. Oh, and this is the first time in 2 weeks we’ve had our own toilet. Heaven!