Day 3: Dia de resistência

Today we slept in a bit before enjoying a delicious grilled octopus lunch (sorry, no food porn! Next time). We then spent some time at the Museu do Aljube Resistência e Liberdad.

Portugal was under a dictatorship from 1933 to 1974, when a peaceful revolution overthrew the government and instilled a democratic one. The Portuguese are rightly very proud of this accomplishment, and this museum portrayed some of the horrors of authoritarianism, including torture, silencing of the media, and severe restrictions on freedom.

As an American, it’s interesting and empowering to see a culture that’s recovering from an authoritarian regime, at a time when we are flirting with one.

We later joined a walking tapas tour of the city, sampling some tasty bites throughout the city. Tomorrow we hope to cycle to Belem, Cascais, and Sintra.

2 Replies to “Day 3: Dia de resistência”

  1. Gram it! Not gram it, that phrase probably means something in the instagram world but just so you know I’m not that cool!

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