Day 2: Lisbon City Tours

We spent our second day doing some Lisbon city tours. We started off with a free tour from a company called Sandeman, not expecting much, but we were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the tour. Although our tour guide, Ricardo, was fairly new, he gave an excellent tour. Of course, since it’s free, tipping is expected (the guides are unpaid), and we stopped in the middle for a soft sales pitch for their other paid tours. They were reasonably priced, and we felt they steered us away from over-priced tourist traps, so ultimately would save us money.
We learned a lot of history and great tips for good restaurants where locals hang out, and we decided to sign up for the Alfama tour that afternoon as well. Our guide there, Yuri, had a great energy about him and invited us and a few other guests to join him and Ricardo for beers at a miroudoro (vantage point) and later on, dinner at a restaurant co-op in a more local neighborhood.

Ultimately it ended up being a fantastic day of sight-seeing and making friends! Some interesting photos below…

7 Replies to “Day 2: Lisbon City Tours”

  1. The pics you guys are sharing are great to look at! Glad you’ve met some nice people there. What an awesome journey you two are on! Be safe!

  2. Love the cool angle shots and for some reason, really like the photo of the clothing line w/the purple sheet hanging! Oooh, can’t wait for more pics. Enjoy the “Unexpected finds and treasures!”

  3. Thank you guys. Love reading about how your days are going. Love the pics and reminds me of there’s so much of the world yet there see, and taste!

  4. Beautiful photos and “summary” of your day. And, as always, so good to hear from you.

    Mom and Dad

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