It’s not really about Steve & me, now

I’ve been trying to figure out how to express this idea, and I’m not sure I’ve done a good job, but let me try.

Today, we are at an inflexion point where everything changes. Tomorrow, everything shifts instantly from being about planning and preparation to being about experiencing and sharing. In a way, it’s no longer about us and the things we’re doing; it becomes about a shared experience in communities we have yet to discover.
Instead of boring our friends with our endless details of plans and training, we will now begin to enjoy the stories of others, the feelings of other environments, and the cultures we know little about.

Instead of riding our bicycles to prepare our bodies, we will begin to ride our bicycles to visit other places and connect with other people.

Instead of ticking off tasks from our To Do list, we will start living in the moment, trusting in the unknown, and joining others in their goals.

All this is good because, frankly, we are getting tired of talking about ourselves and looking forward to talking about more interesting things!

Everything is about to change, and to answer the most common question we’re asked: no, we probably aren’t ready, but we’re doing it anyway!

7 Replies to “It’s not really about Steve & me, now”

  1. Kind of renewal, a liberation and new stuff to share with others.
    I’ll be following!

  2. Tim,
    You realized the truth of life. We seldom know what tomorrow will bring and shouldn’t obsess about it. Life is a great adventure if we live it as such. You and Steve are doing what too many don’t, “Living life” ! Too many of us get bogged down with just existing.

    Go greet the world! Make friends everywhere! Help heal the world with kindness and smiles.
    We all love you and are envious as hell and will follow you and listen as people tell you their stories.
    Luv to you both

  3. Beautifully said, Tim. We are excited for both of you and a little nervous too. Love you, Mom and Dad

  4. I can’t think of two better ambassadors to go out and spread the joy of cycling for cycling’s sake. I friend of mine wrote a song a long long time ago called ‘The Joy is in the Journey’ and that is what the next two years will be about. We are lucky because we will be living your journey vicariously and perhaps growing a bit along side you. I wish you good health, much happiness, joyful encounters, new found knowledge, no flats, lots of love and laughter and above all, a very safe journey.

  5. I’m excited to hear the start of the adventure and eventually, maybe for a week or two to be part of it. Life is of course a journey, the commitment you are signing on for just makes it a bit more tangible. You are participating in the journey not just along for the ride.

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